South Bay Pontoon

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Fuel Surcharge

  • South Bay Pontoon: $0.00
  • Subtotal: $0.00

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12 Passenger Max, 25 ft, 60 hp
Pet Friendly
Fuel surcharge will be added to your rental fee

Included with the rental:
Water Tubing
Life Jackets for tubing

12 Passenger Max, 25 ft, 60 hp
Pet Friendly
Fuel surcharge will be added to your rental fee

Included with the rental:
Water Tubing
Life Jackets for tubing

*Customers do not have to pay to fill the boat back up with gas at the end of the day

All renters born before January 1, 1982 are legal to operate our boats based on PA Law. Those born after January 1, 1982 must have a Safety Boaters Certificate. If you don't have the PA issued certificaion a short course can be provide free of charge for a temporary certificate for the day.